So there is this guy. For the purposes of this I will call him Ryan. I like him, but I think I messed things up...but then again the phone works both ways. He has this great smile and his hair is dark brown and really curly. I'm pretty sure I would die if he found out that I like him. We have know each other since we were kids and I have probably liked him since I was fourteen and he was thirteen, but I covered up my feelings by developing crushes on other guys like Dev (again not his real name) and Nate (not his real name either). I even dated Nate.
Long story short, I still have feelings for this guy, but I haven't talked to him in a year. Sad really. I am such a Slytherin and I don't have the courage to try and talk with him.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Day 5 - Write a letter to anybody
Dear Mr. Abbott,
I apologize for the lateness of this letter. You see, since your last Secrets of Droon book came out last year, I have not had time to write a letter. However I read the book and I quite enjoyed it. Jarvis has been quite preoccupied with her schooling and work as much as I have. I would like to say well done of the mystery of Reki-ur-set. I knew that it spelled Urik, but I never would have gotten Urik's Tree. The apostrophe caught me off guard.
I felt The Final Quest was a brilliant way to end the series. However almost a year after reading the book I realize that I miss the characters. I know I will always have the books to re-read, but new adventures will not be coming to a bookstore not near me. Buying your books has been a highlight for me since I was in elementary school. I also miss your humor filled e-mail responses. I will have to convince Jarvis to write another letter for one last hurrah.
I am looking forward to many more books from your desk soon.
Your college aged fan,
I apologize for the lateness of this letter. You see, since your last Secrets of Droon book came out last year, I have not had time to write a letter. However I read the book and I quite enjoyed it. Jarvis has been quite preoccupied with her schooling and work as much as I have. I would like to say well done of the mystery of Reki-ur-set. I knew that it spelled Urik, but I never would have gotten Urik's Tree. The apostrophe caught me off guard.
I felt The Final Quest was a brilliant way to end the series. However almost a year after reading the book I realize that I miss the characters. I know I will always have the books to re-read, but new adventures will not be coming to a bookstore not near me. Buying your books has been a highlight for me since I was in elementary school. I also miss your humor filled e-mail responses. I will have to convince Jarvis to write another letter for one last hurrah.
I am looking forward to many more books from your desk soon.
Your college aged fan,
Day 4 - Rant about anything
Um...I could rant about my family, but I don't think I want to do that because it will really piss me off and I'm in an okay mood...So I'm going to rant about Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part Two (which I have seen twice now).
I think those are all of the parts that really bugged me...I didn't think there were twenty-five to be honest. I knew there were a lot, but wow. Anyway, I didn't like the movie very much. Especially after the last one which was so good and followed the book quite well. This movie was a big disappointment.
- It was very well made.
- It was great if you haven't read the book.
- Voldemort hug...just, yeah. Giggle fest right there.
- My favorite line was in the movie: "NOT MY DAUGHTER YOU BITCH!" It was awesome.
- It didn't follow the, at all.
- Olivander didn't know about the Deathly Hallows. He knew about the elder wand because he studied wand lore and knew about the wand that was surrounded by death; the death stick.
- Neville/Luna never happened! NEVER! Luna marries Rolf and Neville marries Hannah, end of story. I can't even believe that they made that cannon. I just, grrr!
- Voldemort hugging Draco. Didn't happen in the book, why did they think they could put that in the movie?
- Harry wasn't naked in the King's Cross sequence with Dumbledore.
- Voldemort couldn't feel his bits of soul dying. He didn't know that Harry and his gang were going after them until they broke into the Lestrange's vault. And there was no skin chaffing. Which was gross. So gross and wrong.
- There was no big show down in the great hall between Harry and Voldemort; instead they went base jumping! (You jump, I jump Jack!)
- Harry didn't have the big speech he was supposed to have before Voldemort died.
- Voldemort didn't burst into bits of ash...or whatever that was. He died and it wasn't supposed to be a spectacular death besides that he was finally dead (the whole thing reminded me of Quirrel's death in the first movie which was also done incorrectly, but that is for another post).
- You didn't know that Lupin and Tonks had a baby. When Harry mentions Lupin's son in the forest before he goes to "die", I was like "You never even mentioned that Tonks was preggers, how are we supposed to know that he has a kid and that his name is Teddy? They didn't even say his name!!"
- While The Prince's Tale was filmed wonderfully, it didn't fully explain the whole Snape/Lily/James story. Plus Snape didn't show up to Godric's Hollow the night they died. *eye twitch*
- HARRY BROKE THE FREAKING ELDER WAND!! WTF?!? He didn't even fix his old wand. Guess he's stuck with Draco's old wand. *massive eye twitch*
- There was no expanding on Dumbledore's past. No explanation of his brother or sister. No explanation at all.
- The mirror that saved Harry's life by looking in the broken piece and asking for help was Harry's mirror and the mirror Mr. Dumbledore had belonged to Sirius. Book five info people.
- How did Luna and Dean get to Hogwarts before Harry, Ron, and Hermione? They were supposed to show up after.
- What was that whole scene with Snape and the students in the Great Hall? That didn't happen in the book. There was supposed to be this totally awesome scene between Snape and the teachers and the Order wasn't supposed to show up until later, not much later, but they weren't there during the defence stages.
- Why didn't Harry have the invisabilty cloak when he went into the forest? Because without it the scene where he is "dead" is all wrong. He didn't jump out of Hagrid's arms. He was placed on the ground (however this made me giggle because right before it was the hug scene and that was so very awkward...).
- Harry didn't tell his son, Albus, that he was almost put into Slytherin.
- Why didn't we get to see Scorpius Malfoy's face? Why did we only see the back of his head?
- Why was there no mention of Teddy Lupin and Victoire Weasley? That would have been great.
- Ron didn't warn Rose away from Scorpius (which is the whole reason that Rose/Scorpius fanfiction is just as popular as Dramione fanfiction).
- Ron and Hermione didn't try to kill the snake, only Neville had the chance to. At least he actually killed the snake. For a moment I didn't think that he was going to.
- The Ron/Hermione kiss took place in the wrong area. And wasn't witnessed by anyone.
- You don't get to see Fred's death (which would have been more depressing, but it was important).
- You don't get to see Percy reconcile with his family.
I think those are all of the parts that really bugged me...I didn't think there were twenty-five to be honest. I knew there were a lot, but wow. Anyway, I didn't like the movie very much. Especially after the last one which was so good and followed the book quite well. This movie was a big disappointment.
Day 3 - Review a movie/book/anything

Sadie and Carter Kane are back in this exciting sequel to The Red Pyramid. The Throne of Fire by Rick Riordan is fast paced and action packed as Sadie's and Carter's narrative alternates with each other's point-of-view every two chapters. The book begins three months after the first adventure of the series and begins with a heist gone wrong. The brother and sister realize once again that they aren't the luckiest magicians in the world and that the rest of the House of Life is still set out against them. They need to continue with the Path of the Gods or the world will be plunged into darkness. If they continue their quest to wake the sun god Ra, will the world be saved or will they have made a grievous mistake?
With twists and turns The Throne of Fire is a great read for readers wanting to entertain themselves. Filled with new characters (including one with the name Alyssa; go me!!) and old, there is more at stake than the impending doom of the Earth as everyone knows it.
This book leads us on another dangerous Kane adventure. Filled with discord between siblings and with new dangers, Sadie and Carter still have time to be sidetracked by romance. While the romance isn't the main part of the plot, it still makes for a great sub-plot and doesn't take away from the book. Readers might not enjoy the alternating points-of-view system that was established in The Red Pyramid, but it gives the readers two sides of the same view of the overall picture. This is a great story for readers of all ages and readers will leave wanting to know what the next adventure will be.
...I can't believe this is my one-hundredth post. I know I said I would be posting everyday after my absence, but I was house-sitting from Thursday to Saturday and their internet sucked. I would try to go online and it would loose the connection. Why didn't I use my laptop and wireless, you ask. They didn't have wireless. I was so very not amused.
To top things off my mom decided that we were going to walk two times a day. An hour in the morning and forty minutes at the least in the evening. Now here is the thing about the Wenatchee Valley in the summer. It sucks. The temperature reaches ninety degrees by nine in the morning and doesn't cool off until about eight in the evening and then you don't want to go out because it is still warm. So in other words, my mom is trying to kill me with heat (and to a lesser extent exercise by walking me to death).
And today my mom and I went on a really long walk before we had to come home and make things for dinner tonight. Dinner will be taking place at my grandparent's house (the good ones) and my aunt and uncle (again, the good ones) will be there. My mom and I made pasta salad, chocolate zucchini cake (with chocolate frosting, yum!), and zucchini bread. It looks like this is going to be a long day. At least I'm catching up on my blog and reading. That is happy making.
To top things off my mom decided that we were going to walk two times a day. An hour in the morning and forty minutes at the least in the evening. Now here is the thing about the Wenatchee Valley in the summer. It sucks. The temperature reaches ninety degrees by nine in the morning and doesn't cool off until about eight in the evening and then you don't want to go out because it is still warm. So in other words, my mom is trying to kill me with heat (and to a lesser extent exercise by walking me to death).
And today my mom and I went on a really long walk before we had to come home and make things for dinner tonight. Dinner will be taking place at my grandparent's house (the good ones) and my aunt and uncle (again, the good ones) will be there. My mom and I made pasta salad, chocolate zucchini cake (with chocolate frosting, yum!), and zucchini bread. It looks like this is going to be a long day. At least I'm catching up on my blog and reading. That is happy making.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Day 2 - Write a fanfiction
You can find some of my other stuff here. Here is an excerpt from a fanfic I am working on at the moment...
Luke looked at Fred from across the pathway. It was moments before they were supposed to put their plan into action. Fred was confused. What on Earth did Luke want to talk about at such a critical moment?
"Have you ever wondered why I only dated one girl during all of our years at Hogwarts?" Luke asked.
Fred shrugged, "Not really. I didn't keep tabs on your dating habits." So that was a little lie. He kept tabs, he just wasn't curious as to why Luke only dated Olivia.
"I realized something while dating Olivia," Luke continued, like he hadn't even heard Fred's response, "while I thought she was pretty and I liked her, I knew that I could only like her as a friend. I wasn't attracted to her. Or any girl for that matter." That got Fred's attention.
"I only could think of one person. The one person I was attracted to and knew I shouldn't be. That person is you, Fred."
Fred's mouth went dry. He had hoped that this was the case. He had dreamed, but never in a million years had he actually thought that Luke Thomas was gay. Fred looked across the path to where Luke was. Luke was looking at the ground, suddenly very interested in the dust on his shoes.
"Is-" Fred cleared his throat, "is that why Olivia is so pissed at you?"
Luke lifted his face, disbelief written all over it like he couldn't believe how calmly Fred was taking the news. "Partly. The other reason she is so mad was because I told her James liked her. She didn't believe me - or she didn't want to."
"Yeah, that would have made her angry." Fred said thoughtfully. He knew it was his turn to layout his cards, but he wanted to word things properly. Silence settled between the two young men and they could hear the music and cheering coming from the wedding party in the field behind the Burrow. Luke shuffled his feet when the quiet became too much and Fred knew that he had to speak now of forever hold his peace (pardon the pun).
"Luke, I have something to say as well." Fred took a deep breath, "I'm sure you noticed that I never dated anyone at school. I can also tell you that I never kissed anyone. I have known for a long time that there was only one type of person that I liked. My family and not even all of them, are the only ones that know. I'm gay and for quite sometime I have only been interested in you."
They looked at each other for a moment before Luke crossed the path and entered the space Fred was standing in. Fred fidgeted a little at their closeness, but there wasn't anywhere he could go. He had been leaning against the shed after all. Fred looked directly into Luke's dark eyes and he could see the desire there, the same desire he himself felt every time he was with Luke.
"Do you really mean it?" Luke asked softly.
"Of course," was Fred's reply.
There wasn't much warning before Luke's lips came crashing down on Fred's. Luke's lips were chapped, but Fred didn't mind as Luke's lips explored his. Fred raised his hands to Luke's neck and head to pull Luke even more firmly to his mouth. Fred soon felt Luke's hands on his hips, pulling him even closer.
Soon, Fred relaxed his grip on Luke and pulled back, gasping for air. Fred rested his forehead against Luke's as he smiled. A loud bang startled both boys into realizing where they were and what they were supposed to be doing.
"Crap!" Fred cursed, "if we are still here when Aunt Fleur comes, we are dead." Luke and Fred turned and ran down the path, hopefully avoiding detection...
Luke looked at Fred from across the pathway. It was moments before they were supposed to put their plan into action. Fred was confused. What on Earth did Luke want to talk about at such a critical moment?
"Have you ever wondered why I only dated one girl during all of our years at Hogwarts?" Luke asked.
Fred shrugged, "Not really. I didn't keep tabs on your dating habits." So that was a little lie. He kept tabs, he just wasn't curious as to why Luke only dated Olivia.
"I realized something while dating Olivia," Luke continued, like he hadn't even heard Fred's response, "while I thought she was pretty and I liked her, I knew that I could only like her as a friend. I wasn't attracted to her. Or any girl for that matter." That got Fred's attention.
"I only could think of one person. The one person I was attracted to and knew I shouldn't be. That person is you, Fred."
Fred's mouth went dry. He had hoped that this was the case. He had dreamed, but never in a million years had he actually thought that Luke Thomas was gay. Fred looked across the path to where Luke was. Luke was looking at the ground, suddenly very interested in the dust on his shoes.
"Is-" Fred cleared his throat, "is that why Olivia is so pissed at you?"
Luke lifted his face, disbelief written all over it like he couldn't believe how calmly Fred was taking the news. "Partly. The other reason she is so mad was because I told her James liked her. She didn't believe me - or she didn't want to."
"Yeah, that would have made her angry." Fred said thoughtfully. He knew it was his turn to layout his cards, but he wanted to word things properly. Silence settled between the two young men and they could hear the music and cheering coming from the wedding party in the field behind the Burrow. Luke shuffled his feet when the quiet became too much and Fred knew that he had to speak now of forever hold his peace (pardon the pun).
"Luke, I have something to say as well." Fred took a deep breath, "I'm sure you noticed that I never dated anyone at school. I can also tell you that I never kissed anyone. I have known for a long time that there was only one type of person that I liked. My family and not even all of them, are the only ones that know. I'm gay and for quite sometime I have only been interested in you."
They looked at each other for a moment before Luke crossed the path and entered the space Fred was standing in. Fred fidgeted a little at their closeness, but there wasn't anywhere he could go. He had been leaning against the shed after all. Fred looked directly into Luke's dark eyes and he could see the desire there, the same desire he himself felt every time he was with Luke.
"Do you really mean it?" Luke asked softly.
"Of course," was Fred's reply.
There wasn't much warning before Luke's lips came crashing down on Fred's. Luke's lips were chapped, but Fred didn't mind as Luke's lips explored his. Fred raised his hands to Luke's neck and head to pull Luke even more firmly to his mouth. Fred soon felt Luke's hands on his hips, pulling him even closer.
Soon, Fred relaxed his grip on Luke and pulled back, gasping for air. Fred rested his forehead against Luke's as he smiled. A loud bang startled both boys into realizing where they were and what they were supposed to be doing.
"Crap!" Fred cursed, "if we are still here when Aunt Fleur comes, we are dead." Luke and Fred turned and ran down the path, hopefully avoiding detection...
Alanna: The First Adventure by Tamora Pierce

The first book in the Song of the Lioness quartet introduces readers to a land filled with fantasy, adventure, and a girl masquerading as a boy. Alanna of Trebond wants to become a knight while her twin brother, Thom, wants to become a sorcerer. While they want to follow a path chosen by themselves, their father has other plans. Alanna is to become a lady and take her place at court and Thom is to become a knight. The day before they are set to leave, Alanna and Thom make the decision to switch places. They are to pretend that they are twin brothers. With the help of the village healer the twins make the switch and Alanna is off to the palace under the name Alan.
The book follows Alanna's first four years at the palace as a page. She faces becoming a woman, saving the prince, becoming friends with the king of thieves, and fighting an evil older than the land she calls home.
This book has it all, adventure, excitement, and just a little bit of fleeting romance. It is a fast and easy read and leaves the reader wanting more (good thing there are three other books). Alanna is a lovable character. She is strong and even when she is uncertain about her path, she makes the tough choice to do the right thing. The book is in third person and mostly follows Alanna as Alan, but there are times when you see things from another character's point of view (just small snippets, but enough to know how other characters view Alan/Alanna). This is a great book for teens and adults and a story that readers will want to read over and over again.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Day 1 - Write a short autobiography
I was born on December 25, 1989 in Spokane, WA. Shortly after my sister was born in April of 1991, my family moved to East Wenatchee, WA. If you don't know where that is, that's okay. Not many people do, not even in Washington State (and the capital is Olympia, not Seattle). I have lived in East Wenatchee from 1991 to present day.
Not much happened from then to now. Unless you count finding out I was dyslexic at the age of nine and shortly after I discovered Harry Potter. I went from grade school to middle school to junior high to high school. I graduated and went to Wenatchee Valley College. I graduated from WVC and now I go to WSU in Pullman, WA.
My goal is to earn a degree in creative writing and possibly in sociology or some sort of science. I haven't had a date in almost five years and I have some of the best friends in the world. If you want to know more about me check out my very first 30 day challenge entry here. That paragraph about myself will fill in any blanks (at least I hope it will).
Not much happened from then to now. Unless you count finding out I was dyslexic at the age of nine and shortly after I discovered Harry Potter. I went from grade school to middle school to junior high to high school. I graduated and went to Wenatchee Valley College. I graduated from WVC and now I go to WSU in Pullman, WA.
My goal is to earn a degree in creative writing and possibly in sociology or some sort of science. I haven't had a date in almost five years and I have some of the best friends in the world. If you want to know more about me check out my very first 30 day challenge entry here. That paragraph about myself will fill in any blanks (at least I hope it will).
"Life, life is messy."
So it seems that I have fallen behind on my blog. I blame stress. Usually this is a place where I come to vent about my problems and lately my problems have been so effed up that I don't really want to talk about them. Long story short my family sucks and I might have a post to explain their continued fuckery. So instead of coming on my blog and writing, I have been hiding away reading books (which I will review, I promise) and catching up on fanfiction (both reading stories and writing them). I also watched the first two seasons of Eureka (so many, love, love) and I have continued conversing with Cousin. Overall, I suppose you could say I have been lazy (and you would be mostly right). So good news, I'm back and hopefully not going anywhere.
Friday, July 15, 2011
New challenge
I have decided to start a new challenge. A writing challenge. Hopefully it won't suck.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Day 30 - A character you will love and remember for the rest of your life
Percy Jackson (I would choose Harry Potter, but that is just so obvious; I would rather mention an other character that I will love the rest of my life). Son of Poseidon God (or Gosh, hehe) of the sea, Percy is lovable right at the start. A kid with ADD and dyslexia (which I was diagnosed with at the age of eight), Percy seems to have a lot of trouble in school. Not that he isn't learning; he just doesn't get along with other students very well and strange things happen around him. He saves the world and has a Greek god for a parent. Percy is awesome and he is one of the many characters I wish could be real.
Monday, July 11, 2011
The one where Torchwood is a must
Cousin and I continued to have a lovely day yesterday. We ended the day by watching the first three episodes of Torchwood: Children of Earth. Now we only have two episodes left and our aunt is chomping a the bit to have us finish watching so we can watch the first episode of Torchwood: Miracle Day (which is online so we would have to use one of the laptops).
Anyway, we stayed up until well after three in the morning talking after we finished watching our show and were quite tired at 7:30 when Cousin's brother-in-law opened our door with his oldest child. Believe me when I say I could have committed murder. Then just as I was drifting off to sleep again, our aunt walks in and starts rummaging in the dresser by the door. It felt as if the world was out to get us. Cousin and I both want to know what we could have possibly done in our past lives. We have narrowed it down to Nazis and my theory is we worked at a concentration camp (at some hour after being woken up after not much sleep, I was able to say Auschwitz, which amazes me).
So today both Cousin and I are running on very little sleep and we have been forced to socialize. Our mothers, aunt and grandmother are all in the kitchen making raspberry jam while Cousin and I hide in our room. Maybe we will get lucky and we won't have to socialize much more today and by lucky I mean we will just have to help with/do the dishes tonight after dinner...We were also made to swiffer the floor to pick up crumbs ("I'd like it if you were to swiffer up the crumbs from around the table so that they won't get on the carpet," Cousin's mom said an her annoyingly patronizing voice that is too quiet for average human hearing).
It looks like Cousin and I might get to go to Powell's this evening as well. Which is really exciting because that is the best bookstore ever. I'm hoping to find Heartless by Gail Carriger or Academy 7 by Anne Osterlund. Both would be good finds.
Anyway, we stayed up until well after three in the morning talking after we finished watching our show and were quite tired at 7:30 when Cousin's brother-in-law opened our door with his oldest child. Believe me when I say I could have committed murder. Then just as I was drifting off to sleep again, our aunt walks in and starts rummaging in the dresser by the door. It felt as if the world was out to get us. Cousin and I both want to know what we could have possibly done in our past lives. We have narrowed it down to Nazis and my theory is we worked at a concentration camp (at some hour after being woken up after not much sleep, I was able to say Auschwitz, which amazes me).
So today both Cousin and I are running on very little sleep and we have been forced to socialize. Our mothers, aunt and grandmother are all in the kitchen making raspberry jam while Cousin and I hide in our room. Maybe we will get lucky and we won't have to socialize much more today and by lucky I mean we will just have to help with/do the dishes tonight after dinner...We were also made to swiffer the floor to pick up crumbs ("I'd like it if you were to swiffer up the crumbs from around the table so that they won't get on the carpet," Cousin's mom said an her annoyingly patronizing voice that is too quiet for average human hearing).
It looks like Cousin and I might get to go to Powell's this evening as well. Which is really exciting because that is the best bookstore ever. I'm hoping to find Heartless by Gail Carriger or Academy 7 by Anne Osterlund. Both would be good finds.
Day 29 - A character that makes you flashback to your childhood
Pretty much any Disney princess, but mostly Ariel, Belle and Jasmine. They have to be two of my favorites. Every time I watch The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, or Aladdin I am instantly reminded of the hours spent watching both movies at my grandparents' house and learning all of the words to the songs. They are my all time favorite Disney movies that I can remember having them on VHS and now I have them on DVD. Plus, The Little Mermaid was the first ever movie I went to in a theater. I was just a baby, but it was my first movie.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
To make a long story short...
That was my reaction to the church sermon today. The usual pastor wasn't there (I was really looking forward to seeing him, he is awesome and I always get something out of his sermons) and the person in his place was not the best. His sermon was full of stories that didn't seem to go with the Bible passage at all. So when he said, "To make a long story short," all I could think was, "Too late." It was a total Clue: The Movie moment.
After church Cousin, my mom, and Auntie (plus Cousin's younger brother) all headed back to Grandma's and Grandpa's. From there Cousin, Younger Cousin, and I all went up to the room Cousin and I are sharing and watched the second episode of Sherlock. I am so glad that Younger Cousin loves the show as much as Cousin and I do.
Now Cousin and I are listening to Glee songs and haunting the internet (well, she is actually making gifs). Her nephews continue to be adorable even though all three of them are a tad cranky at the moment. Hopefully they will become adjusted to the time zone soon.
That was my reaction to the church sermon today. The usual pastor wasn't there (I was really looking forward to seeing him, he is awesome and I always get something out of his sermons) and the person in his place was not the best. His sermon was full of stories that didn't seem to go with the Bible passage at all. So when he said, "To make a long story short," all I could think was, "Too late." It was a total Clue: The Movie moment.
After church Cousin, my mom, and Auntie (plus Cousin's younger brother) all headed back to Grandma's and Grandpa's. From there Cousin, Younger Cousin, and I all went up to the room Cousin and I are sharing and watched the second episode of Sherlock. I am so glad that Younger Cousin loves the show as much as Cousin and I do.
Now Cousin and I are listening to Glee songs and haunting the internet (well, she is actually making gifs). Her nephews continue to be adorable even though all three of them are a tad cranky at the moment. Hopefully they will become adjusted to the time zone soon.
Day 28 - A character you absolutely hate
Bellatrix Lestrange...she is just a character I love to hate (plus I love what Molly Weasley says right before she kills her). I hated that she killed Sirius, what she did to Hermione, and that she killed Tonks. I hate how horrible she could be. I guess that was what you should expect when reading about one of the Dark Lord's closest Death Eaters.
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Cousin!! (and others...)
Cousin (and everyone else) arrived at my grandparents' house today. Luckily I didn't have to endure too much of family time. Cousin and I escaped by going for an hour long walk and then watched Sherlock (love, love, love) with her younger brother. Her nephews are adorable and I hadn't seen her older brother (one of them) and sister in quite awhile.
It was a fairly relaxing day watching kiddies run around and ignoring anyone who might annoy me (ie: grandparents, aunts, etc.). Also, Cousin brought me tea and I was very happy. We are going to try it in the morning. So excited!
It was a fairly relaxing day watching kiddies run around and ignoring anyone who might annoy me (ie: grandparents, aunts, etc.). Also, Cousin brought me tea and I was very happy. We are going to try it in the morning. So excited!
Invincible by Sherrilyn Kenyon

Nick Gautier is no ordinary teen, as readers find out in both the first book (Infinity) of the Chronicles of Nick and the second (Invincible). Still unable to raise the dead, Nick has to divide his attention between school, divination lessons, and survival. His new principle wants him out of the school and is looking for any means to do so. His new coach has him doing things that are under no circumstances legal and are bound to lead to more trouble for Nick. As the plot thickens Nick has to choose who to trust and how to raise the dead, because without either Nick won't live to see another day.
This second book in the Chronicles of Nick is a wonderful continuation of of the first book Infinity. Picking up where the first book left off, readers will learn more about Nick and his life in New Orleans. As Nick continues to learn his powers and discovering the completely new world around him, he also learns that things aren't always what they seem and that he shouldn't put his trust in anyone whole heartedly.
Invincible is just as quick paced as other Sherrilyn Kenyon books and is just as enjoyable. Nick is a relateable character with his teenage angst and sarcasm. You can see his love for his mom and his pain and suffering from a life below the poverty line. Even with his past, Nick is willing to do what it takes to take care of his mom and those he loves. If that means facing some of the darkest evil to exist in the world, then he will; even if it means dying.
Day 27 - An overrated character
Edward Cullen is one of the most overrated characters ever written. Which I don't really understand. Who, besides Bella, would want a guy who is that creepy? That manipulative (oh wait, my sister fits into this as well-.-)? And/or that stalkerish? It just didn't seem right to me that a book for teenagers was telling impressionable girls that in order to be happy they had to have a guy like Edward...I would much rather have a guy like Draco Malfoy (and he really isn't very nice to muggles like me). Draco at least had a depth that Edward never had. Like I said, I still don't know how Edward Cullen ended up being as overrated as he is. It is just terrible.
Day 26 - An underrated character
Ron Weasley. He has to be on of the most underrated characters ever. All everyone ever thinks about is Harry and Hermione (no wonder there is a HP/HG ship...). It makes me so sad that this wonderful character is left in the shadows of his two best friends. No one ever really seems to notice Ron and what role he played in the books. No wonder he was so pissy in Goblet of Fire; he knew Harry was all anyone ever cared about and he wanted some of the fame his best friend had. Let's just say that fame and Ron Weasley wouldn't make great friends. I imagine as a war hero he got sick of the fame.
Friday, July 8, 2011
Guess What!!
I just got my Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 tickets for midnight!! Who rocks? I do!
Actually not really...I'm just a very nerdy person and I think I would have cried if I hadn't been able to go see the midnight showing (I have never been able to go to a midnight showing before because my stupid town didn't offer one). So this was my last chance. I just have to remember to bring a box of tissues (that I forgot to bring to Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 1).
In other news I have been in Oregon for the last two days and today I'm headed to Vancouver, Washington. I get to see Cousin again tomorrow evening!! Plus the rest of the family...not as excited about that, but I get to see little kiddies and that is kind of exciting.
I should have another post later about what I have been up to. Right now I'm using my mom's laptop because my has decided to hate me and not connect to the internet. Alyssa is not amused.
Actually not really...I'm just a very nerdy person and I think I would have cried if I hadn't been able to go see the midnight showing (I have never been able to go to a midnight showing before because my stupid town didn't offer one). So this was my last chance. I just have to remember to bring a box of tissues (that I forgot to bring to Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 1).
In other news I have been in Oregon for the last two days and today I'm headed to Vancouver, Washington. I get to see Cousin again tomorrow evening!! Plus the rest of the family...not as excited about that, but I get to see little kiddies and that is kind of exciting.
I should have another post later about what I have been up to. Right now I'm using my mom's laptop because my has decided to hate me and not connect to the internet. Alyssa is not amused.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Day 25 - A character who makes you cry when they cry
Rose in Titanic. I can't ever help but cry when she cries; mostly at the end of the movie when she says goodbye to Jack. I always cry then. Actually there is also a character from a book about the RMS Titanic that makes me cry when she cries as well. I suppose that happens because so many people died and you just read about/watched people that you liked die. I usually don't cry when I read or watch things, but anything to do with the Titanic makes me cry at some point. It also makes me rant about the stupidity of human beings.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Day 24 - The character with the best laugh
Erik from X-Men: First Class...he also has a lot of teeth and when he laughs you can see all of them...which is sort of funny and odd at the same time. Erik has a sort of big laugh (which might explain the teeth?) and it kind of make me want to laugh with him, even with all of the pain and suffering he went through. It seems odd that I picked a character with a dark past, but when I thought of lauging all I could see was his face (and all of his teeth) in my mind's eye.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Syfy's Alice: The Drinking Game
As I watched Alice for the hundredth time after making my Hatter post, I realized that this movie had the makings of a great drinking game. So here goes (subject to changes later), take a shot as directed:
1. Anytime Alice yells for someone. Ex: "Jack!" "Charlie" "Hatter!"
2. Every time Charlie sings "Hey nonny nonny..."
3. Every time Hatter suggests something to Alice and she tells him "No" and Hatter's response is then "No?" (basically every time Alice and Hatter have a disagreement).
4. Anytime Alice is running and it just looks like flailing (seriously, she flails a lot).
5. When ever there is a reference to a deck of cards.
6. When Hatter says "Tea sho-p" and makes that big popping noise at the "p" (lord am I envious of that).
7. Anytime Charlie mentions the black arts.
8. Every time Hatter preforms a hat trick (not that kind!!).
So these are all of them for the moment. I am going to confer with Cousin and see if anything needs added. Enjoy and remember this is a three hour movie and drinks will help pass the time.
1. Anytime Alice yells for someone. Ex: "Jack!" "Charlie" "Hatter!"
2. Every time Charlie sings "Hey nonny nonny..."
3. Every time Hatter suggests something to Alice and she tells him "No" and Hatter's response is then "No?" (basically every time Alice and Hatter have a disagreement).
4. Anytime Alice is running and it just looks like flailing (seriously, she flails a lot).
5. When ever there is a reference to a deck of cards.
6. When Hatter says "Tea sho-p" and makes that big popping noise at the "p" (lord am I envious of that).
7. Anytime Charlie mentions the black arts.
8. Every time Hatter preforms a hat trick (not that kind!!).
So these are all of them for the moment. I am going to confer with Cousin and see if anything needs added. Enjoy and remember this is a three hour movie and drinks will help pass the time.
Exile by Anne Osterlund

Crown Princess Aurelia and Robert Vantauge are back in this exciting sequel to Aurelia. Aurelia has chosen exile in the form of a kingdom wide expedition. Knowing that her father has abandoned her for her half sister Melony, Aurelia travels to see the places she has only heard about and has always wanted to see. The assassination attempts on her life however, have not ceased. With Robert as her guide, will Aurelia find the support she needs from the people of her kingdom or will she fall in love with the one man she knows she shouldn't? From the freedom of the frontier to the blistering desert sands, Aurelia must discover who she is and what she is made of before she can return; all the while giving her people the hope they will need to survive.
Exile kept the same quick pace of its predecessor. Danger continues to lurk behind every page and even though Aurelia is away from court, politics play a huge role in the story. The fact that assassins are still after Aurelia even though she has basically given up her hold on the throne, is a major part in the plot. Who could possibly want Aurelia dead now and for whom do the assassins ultimately answer to? As the story progresses the reader, and the characters, are lulled into a false sense of security. Aurelia and Robert are seen struggling against their feelings for each other as they travel as commoners to avoid notice.
This book is very much the sequel of Aurelia. The combination of mystery, fantasy, and romance keep the story fresh and will hook the reader as easily as the first book. Readers will not want to put the book down as curiosity captures the imagination.
Day 23 - The best dancer
Mike Chang from Glee! He has some sweet moves. Pluse he is a tall asian...and very cute...why is he dating Tina? Why?!? Oh yeah, they are the only two asians on the show and they couldn't possibly date someone who wasn't asian. Anywho, Mike is awesome and has groovy dance moves.
Monday, July 4, 2011
Day 22 - The best singer
A tie between Blaine and Kurt. Both of them have amazing voices and they are the two characters I really watch Glee for (well, actually I also watch for Santana and Brittney). Anyway, "Baby it's Cold Outside" was an amazing duet with Blaine and Kurt. It gave me chills. I love, love, love the pair of them.
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Syfy's Alice: Hatter

If you couldn't already tell by the title or the gif image above, this is a post about Hatter. From his hair to his jackets, to his hat, to his Kevlar vest, Hatter is a bad ass. He also has quiet the right fist.

I would trust Hatter with my life. I am quiet envious of Alice (her hair, her dress, her boots, her jacket that Hatter gave her) and the relationship she has with Hatter. I want a love like theirs (even though I am sure that they will have their fair share of spats).

Seriously, those two are going to have gorgeous children (who have a sensible dress style). Have I mentioned how much I love his hair? Even though it is usually covered by a groovy hat? I love, love, love his hair.

And his chocolate brown eyes. Soulful, loving, eyes that make me want to cry when they are filled pain. That is one handsome man right there.

The gif above is one of my favorite scenes with Hatter. The way he pops his "p" in tea shop has me fascinated. I wish I could pop my "p's" like he does. I would never stop saying "tea shop".

I never like seeing Hatter in is too painful to watch. When I first watched Alice, I was extremely upset that he was shot and for a moment I actually though he was dead, just like Alice had thought. I liked Hatter from the moment I met him and I was extremely happy that he didn't die just after meeting him.
Day 21 - A paranormal character you like (vampire, werewolf, etc.)
Alexia Tarabotti from The Parasol Protectorate series. She isn't what would normally come up when someone says paranormal. She is soulless and can turn those who are paranormal (aka: vampires and werewolves) back in to humans while she is in skin contact with them. She can also destroy ghosts with a touch of her finger. Her soullessness isn't as common as werewolves and vampires, but it makes for a great story. Alexia is a handful; she is feisty, headstrong, and loves to make Lord Maccon squirm.
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Eyes Like Stars by Lisa Mantchev

Beatrice "Bertie" Shakespeare Smith's only home has ever been the Théâtre Illuminata. A theater where the characters come to life and are bound by The Book - a complete collection of every written script - and magic fills the stage. Bertie was raised by the players of The Book and the various managers of the theater. However, when her blatant disregard for the rules drives the Theater and Stage Managers to the end of their ropes, she is told to either leave the Théâtre Illuminata forever or find an indispensable job at the theater. As the story progresses, Bertie realizes that there is much more at stake than losing the only place she calls home.
For a debut novel, Lisa Mantchev's story is positively groovy. While containing elements of theater, the story also contains humor, romance, and mystery that will hook the reader. Bertie is a lovable heroine with four spunky fairy friends, a handsome pirate to look out for her, and an air spirit that isn't always on the right side of things. The novel moves at a quick pace, which doesn't leave much time to figure out what is going on. Some readers may be confused, but things fall into place as the story progresses. As each chapter and page go by, more layers are added to the mystery and for every mystery solved, two more crop up. This book is an exciting, fast paced read that will leave the reader begging for the sequel.
Day 20 - A fantasy character you like (elves, dwarves, etc.)
Nate from Eyes Like Stars. He is a pirate from the production The Little Mermaid. To find out more about the book's plot, read my review of Eyes Like Stars. Nate is the perfect pirate; he is superstitious and can swear like a sailor (because he is one!!). He is totally into Bertie and I really want the two of them to be together, but Ariel is in the way (Ariel is an air spirit from the production of The Tempest)... He is the grooviest sailor ever!
Friday, July 1, 2011
Day 19 - A sci-fi character you like (alien, robot, etc.)
Um...I think I have to go with Bug from Starship. Not only is he played by Joey Richter, but he is a Starship Ranger!! Which is totally awesome!! He is an alien bug from a planet of bugs and his name is Bug (original right). But this bug has a big dream; he wants to be a Starship Ranger. When his chance comes along, he takes it with stride and saves the day (awesomely groovy music included).
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